Palm Cove Information - Palm Cove Queensland - The Official Palm Cove Region Guide
For all non Australians and non New Zealanders you need a valid passport and visa. Please get them before you leave your country or you will be refused entry. Please don't bring any sort of food, plants, animals or anything that could carry bugs or disease into Australia. It is illegal and carries very heavy fines and confiscation.
Climate in the Tropical North
The end of May until the beginning of August is Winter in Australia. Not so in the Tropical North. The humidity is relatively dry. Rainfall is very rare. The day time temperature is around 28°C and at night the temperature can drop to 15°C. Water temperature is around 25°C at this time of the year. From August until the beginning of December it is relatively warm with day time temperatures of around 30°C with a water temperature of around 27°C. The rest of the time it is relatively humid with temperatures over the day of around 35°C and a humidity of around 75%. Water temperature is around 29°C.
Certified divers need a log book and diving certificate to dive unsupervised. Those who want to learn diving need a medical certificate Australian standard 4005.1 The diving centre where you want to learn the skills will organize this for you.
There are no health precautions necessary for your stay in Australia. Please be aware of the strong tropical sun, wearing sun cream protection at all times is recommended. Also wear a sunhat and sunglasses. You wouldn't be the first whose holiday was destroyed because of no sun protection.
Kiteboarding / Kitesurfing in Palm Cove
Kiteboarding and kitesurfing is becoming increasingly popular in Palm Cove. We have steady south to south easterly winds most of the time. There are flat water spots as well as some good wave kiting.
Palm Cove is located on Australia's east coast, half way between Cairns and Port Douglas. The exact position of our office is 16°44'52S, 145°39'52E.
Money / Currency
Credit cards and travellers cheques are widely accepted. Cash can be exchanged in nearly every bank. Eurocheques are not accepted.
Voltage in Australia is 240V AC. In most cases you will require an adapter which can be obtained (if not already bought at home) in every big Supermarket. Australian standard is plug I.
Telephone / Internet
There are two different phone plugs available in Australia. These are the "Australian" and the "RJ11". There are several very cheap phone companies around. Phone Cards are available at any News agency.
Palm Cove's time is UTC/ GMT +10 hours.
For those with plenty of time for their visit to Australia, we suggest buying your own car. Cairns and the Kings Cross Car Park in Sydney are very popular spots to buy a car. If your time is limited and you didn't reserve your car at home- no problem. There is quite a range of Car Rental companies to choose from. Bus trips are relatively inexpensive but will use up a large amount of your precious holiday time. Hitchhiking is forbidden in Australia and you will be fined if you are being caught.
All visa forms can be downloaded on http://www.immi.gov.au/ or you can lodge your visa over the net on http://www.eta.immi.gov.au/
Palm Cove is to Australia what Hawaii is for the USA - the number one wedding destination. Please choose one of the wedding companies here. Imagine your wedding in a Hot Air Balloon, on your own remote Island just off Palm Cove or Palm Cove Weddings special - Under Water. You arrive by coach or limousine to your Yacht which takes you to the Great Barrier Reef where you have the ceremony - of course UNDER water surrounded by fish and beautiful coral gardens.